Frequent UX Reviews Create Better Digital Products

15 Sep 2022

Frequent UX Reviews Create Better Digital Products

Introduction to UX Reviews

Frequent UX (User Experience) / UI (User Interface) reviews of your website will ensure that it is using the latest techniques & trends, refine your process, increase your conversions(For example, going from 1% to 2% conversion will double your revenue from the same user group), identify any 'blockers', and give you a real insight into behaviours from your user's interactions with your digital experience.

Continuously improving and developing your online presence is essential to the growth and development of your website, apps and online products. That is why we recommend quarterly reviews to assess your performance and plan for creating improved digital experiences that never miss an opportunity.

Let us talk you through how we do this, and how it can benefit your digital products and overall business in these five easy-to-follow steps.

1. Observations of live user recordings

We set up user recording tools that allow us to review how your users interact with your existing website, app and/or online product through their entire journey to accomplish your required goals. mtc's experienced team can identify what is and isn't working for users as they go through your goal funnels, we never assume that something isn't working without testing or reviewing it first.

Our recording tools also allow us to heatmap pages on the website, meaning we can see what areas appeal to users and what isn't making an impact on key pages that users land on. This is important to reduce bounce rate and ensure the content, navigation and hierarchy are developed around your users' needs.

2. Data-Driven Decisions

We review all data YOY (year on year) and MOM (month on month) to see how the site is performing overall for users, where it has improved and decreased over those periods and why this could be. This process gives routes to focus on when reviewing to give your website the highest amount of increase in conversion. Using your real website data means we make more accurate decisions, without this, it becomes more assumptive of how your users interact with your current product.

Having your data comparisons available YOY is even more important now that Google has upgraded Google Universal Analytics. If you wait too long to upgrade, you could miss out on having YOY data, which is essential to being able to accurately measure your results. You can read more on this in our blog, Get ready for Google Analytics 4.

3. Compare against new UX/UI trends

Web technologies are always evolving due to the continual improvement of technology and systems. As you can imagine, keeping up to date with trends and improvements when designing digital experiences is essential to ensure the best experience for developing users in a constantly evolving space.

Mobile devices are one of the fastest changing and growing for us to keep up with, that is why we always design mobile first to ensure the layouts and solutions work across all devices and convert just as well.

We don't just change things for the sake of it; if it's working well already, then we could look to improve it with adjustments to wording or colouring to get big results from simple, research-driven and well-considered changes.

4. User Personas

Putting ourselves into the mindset of the user is the most important and difficult task to do as a designer of digital products with an endless amount of user groups, so we utilise User Personas to gain insight into the key user groups that interact with your products online.

User Personas are created by using real data as well as input and knowledge of users from the client shareholders, marketing team, designers, and other outside input as required. The personas are made up of a few different areas including goals, pain points and motivations.

Personas are created during a workshop either in person or virtually over Microsoft Teams. These usually take half a day to a full day to get all the information we need to get fully formed User Personas.

We can use the user personas within each of the core user routes through the website to accurately identify opportunities and needs your actual core user groups require to complete the end goal.

Some clients come to us with existing User Personas, but it is important that these are up-to-date and relevant to your real-time audience and business goals to achieve successful user journeys.

5. User flows

Highlighting and knowing the core user flows/routes into your website is key information we use when reviewing your online product.

We need to understand what tasks a certain user may have to complete to obtain that successful overall goal, from when they first enter the site to when they drop off. It's important to be aware of what these are to focus on improving these core user flows to get the best results for your conversions.

An example of a user flow for an eCommerce clothing site such as our client Umbro could be:
Step 1 Enters the homepage > Step 2 Clicks on a Call to Action (CTA) image for rugby shirts > Step 3 the user adds to basket and Step 4, the final task, they checkout.

What are the next steps from here?

New clients

Email Our Head of Creative Kurt Scott using or, give us a few details about your website & business and what you're looking to achieve, and we'll get back to you with the price and timeline. 

Existing clients

If you are an existing client and haven't been told about this service we offer or have any questions about this, please create a ticket on our mtc client support system called "UX Review" and we'll update you on the next steps and if there are any associated extra costs to the review.  

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